Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day Thoughts

On this Father's Day, with all of the wonderful and sincere "Happy Father's Day" wishes that I receive, I am reminded of the the three reasons why I am so thankful today.

First is that I am lucky enough to have my Dad still with me. I appreciate each day that he is still around, and I count my blessings to have had him in my life. I hope that I have, in some small way, been as good a son to him as he has been a father to me. Now that we have an adult relationship, we often relate to each other more as friends - and for that I am truly grateful.

The second cause of my gratefulness today comes in the form of the three all-grown-up "kids" that I am a father to. I couldn't be prouder of any three people in the whole world than Chris, Don, and Kathie. Each of them is unique, and each of them is so different that I wonder sometimes if they grew up in the same household. But they have this in common: they love passionately, they play joyously, and they care deeply about the things that really matter. Chris and Kathie have chosen Mike and Jim, respectively as their husbands - wonderful men who love them and who have blessed me with being a "father-in-law". Being a father to adult children is a whole different thing than being a Daddy to little ones. Where I used to have specific expectations and rules, I now have an all-embracing wish for their success and joy - not so much in the material things, but that they find real love, happiness, and peace in themselves and in those they love.

Finally, being a father has been the doorway to becoming a grandfather, and what an amazing opportunity for joy and wonder that has been. Michael has helped me understand that bumper sticker that I saw years ago: "If I knew grandchildren were this much fun, I would've had them first!". To be able to have the opportunity to once again see the world through eyes of wonder and awe, to feel the delight and the excitement that small things bring, and to be loved unconditionally brings a new perspective to me after having seem so much "reality" in the life I have had.

So, to Dad, Chris, Don, Kathie, and Michael, and to Mike and Jim as well - thank you for the blessing that each of you is to me. I can't think of a better Father's Day gift than to have each of you as a part of my life. I love you all, and hope that I continue to be blessed by your presence for years to come.

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