Justice Perspective – June 2014
Just about a month ago, Pope Francis
created quite a stir when he sent out a tweet that said “Inequality is the root
of social evil”. Two things happened: first, this was re-tweeted over 17,000
times; and second, there was a great hue and cry from some corners about the
over-simplification of economics by the Pope, or at least that he was confusing.
To put this tweet in perspective, we
have to look at the context of where this succinct line came from. This was not
a sentence just made up for the Pope’s Twitter account (@Pontifex). Actually,
it was the last line from one of the paragraphs of his Apostolic Exhortation, The Joy of the Gospel, which he issued
last fall.
The relevant paragraph reads like
this: “As long as the problems of the poor are not radically resolved by
rejecting the absolute autonomy of markets and financial speculation and by
attacking the structural causes of inequality, no solution will be found for
the world’s problems or, for that matter, to any problems. Inequality is the
root of social ills.”
All kinds of recent studies have shown
how income inequality is a problem around the world. Just recently, a study
from the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development showed that the
income gap is widening in many developed nations. The United States, far from
being shielded from this problem, is actually one of three countries that have
the largest inequality (along with Turkey and Israel).
There are a number of economic reasons
for this growing disparity and inequality, but all these developments cannot be
explained by economics alone. Consider how insightful Pope Francis is to
identify the “absolute autonomy of markets” as one of the “structural causes”
of inequality – the problem is the prevalent attitude that markets should be
the driving force of human behavior, not morality.
Some commentators have tried to show
how the Pope’s comments are just simply untrue, since there is, in their minds,
so much regulation of business these days. But they miss the point – the
absolute autonomy of markets has less to do with rules and regulations and a
lot more to do with how we relate to one another. In a “market driven” economy,
right and wrong are determined not by ethics and morals or the common good, but
by what best serves the “economy” and the well-being of the rich and powerful.
This is what the Pope means when he
says in another section of The Joy of the
Gospel that there is a “dictatorship of an impersonal economy” that lacks
any truly human purpose. The financial systems, he says, rule behavior rather
than serve the common good. This is why the earnings of a wealthy minority grow
exponentially and widen the gap that separates the poorer majority from
And how complicit are we in this whole
process? How easily do we excuse the unethical actions of the “market” as just
the cost of doing business? When businesses lay off workers do we see it as
just a necessary part of increasing profits? Or do we recognize the calamity
and disruption that it will cause for the families involved? Do we wink and
smile at the shrewdness of unscrupulous lenders, Wall Street investors, and
those who prey on those who are more desperate?
is the root of social ills –and will only begin to be solved when each of us
begins to support the person and the common good and not the “market”.